Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I'm so happy to report that Reagan is doing excellent. For almost a week now, she has been eating and drinking good (actually great for her), no signs of fever, rash, upset tummy, or anything else! We have enjoyed having our little 2 year old back. She has so much energy, I wish I could borrow some of it! She is still in LOVE with Superman! I'm going to buy her some more Superman pj's and get baby Grady a Superman outfit too... =) Last night was the first night since we've been home from the hospital that she actually slept in her bed by herself. I keep thinking that if we had put her to bed a few minutes earlier that night she would've died in her sleep. So needless to say, I've been a little paranoid. But I know its best for her to sleep by herself, especially with the new baby coming soon. Neither we nor she sleeps well when she is in the bed with us. So we compromised and bought a high tech baby monitor for her room. It worked good last night, I could hear her perfectly the one time she cried out for me. =) Reagan is truly an amazing child!

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